The Summer School is organized by.
- Christian Duriez (Main Organizer)
- Gang Zheng (Finances)
- Quentin Peyron (Program, Poster Session, Hands-On, etc.)
- Stefan Escaida Navarro (Hands-On)
- Yinoussa Adagolodjo (Poster session)
- Jérémie Dequidt (Program)
- Alexandre Kruszewski (Program, Hands-On)
- Damien Marchal (Website)
- Gérald Dherbomez (Infrastructure)
- Alexandre Bilger (Infrastructure)
- Hugo Talbot (SOFA Consortium, Hands-On)
- Paul Baksic (SOFA Consortium, Hands-On)
- Eulalie Coevoet (Compliance Robotics, Hands-On)
- Thor Bieze (Compliance Robotics, Hands-On)
The Scientific Committee of the Summer School is composed of:
- Frédéric Boyer (IMT-Nantes)
- Taha Chikhaoui (CNRS, University of Grenoble)
- Christian Duriez (Inria Lille)
- Gérard Dubey (IMT-BS)
- Claire Dune (University of Toulon)
- Stefan Escaida Navarro (Universidad de O'Higgins, Chile)
- Maud Marchal (Univ. Rennes, INSA, IRISA)
- Caroline Moricot (University of Paris 1, Panthéon - Sorbonne)
- Rochdi Merzouki (University of Lille)
- Quentin Peyron (Inria Lille)
- Kanty Rabenorosoa (FEMTO-ST)
- Pierre Renaud (INSA Strasbourg)
- Nabil Zemiti (University of Montpellier)
The Summer School is supported by the following organizations:
